Work > TakeTen
TakeTen commissioned this project based on using a smartphone to monitor heart rate variability and in turn the level of coherence. This provides a biofeedback mechanism for stress and anxiety and in this package is used as part of an employee wellbeing programme.
TakeTen and Scaffold Digital have worked together on a number of mobile apps that have been designed and developed for the health sector. The TakeTen app had a requirement for us to develop three core exercises, including: Giving users the ability to track their heart rate while the app helps them to regulate their breathing with a visual indicator, a section that will allow them to learn mediation techniques and a game that allows users to sort dots based on their heart rate. All of this happens whilst the app is visually indicating your levels of stress using a traffic light system. Users are also attributed a score based on the length of time they spend in each of the zones, which they can track over time alongside their heart rate during any given session in the app.
TakeTen wanted to develop a mobile app that would truly help their users to combat the effects of stress and anxiety both in the workplace and in their homelife.
The app has been developed to bring tried and tested methods of stress management to users quickly and easily in a digital first world. For the team at TakeTen it is about making a difference to a user’s everyday life and being able to quantify how their technological solution has allowed people to become less stressed in every part of their life. TakeTen had a requirement for us to deliver a solution that would allow them to closely monitor app usage, so from a clinical perspective they could clearly identify outcomes and results. Ultimately, the new TakeTen app has been designed and developed to improve user’s mental health by providing them with the support mechanism they need to get through stressful and anxious periods in their life, whether that be personally or professionally.

During 2019 the TakeTen app has been actively running a trial in Danske Bank with their staff using it to help reduce stress and improve wellbeing in the workplace.
After 8 weeks Danske Bank ran a survey to quantify usage of the app among their employees and they found that 60% were still using the app, finding it helped to reduce stress levels during working hours with industry standards showing that health apps normally have a retention rate of 19%. In this case TakeTen have achieved a 41% above average retention rate. Firebase analytics has been installed on the app to allow the team at TakeTen to analyse usage times against the 60% retention rate. This data has shown that most of the user base is using the app during 8-9 am, 4-5 pm and 10-11pm. TakeTen’s initial market research shows that these are the times employees felt most stressed during the day, cementing the fact the app is being used to reduce stress and anxiety both in a reactive and proactive way.
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